1.3 km from the town centre and local shops: bakery, restaurant, pharmacy, hairdresser...
July: Libramont Fair
September: “Libramont en fête - L'épopée Celtique”
On the edge of the woods
1.3 km from the town centre, shops and train station
Less than 50 km from Luxembourg and less than 40 km from France
Tourism / Discovery
Libramont-Chevigny is a small town in the heart of the Belgian Ardennes, with a rich heritage and numerous hiking trails.
Discover these bucolic and romantic landscapes, with their dense Celtic forests. The "Libramont-Chevigny, le Celte" collective ensures that the skills of these people are passed on. Members share this heritage left by craftsmen and blacksmiths through local traders, cultural institutions and the tourist office.
The Celtic Museum exhibits a wide range of objects, including jewellery, crockery and weapons, and reveals the way of life of this civilisation. An audiovisual presentation and numerous reconstructions, including a life-size tank, bring the visit to life and dispel preconceived ideas.
Une multitude de parcours pédestres et VTT sont balisés au départ de Libramont et de sa campagne alentour. C'est l'occasion de passer devant les sites intéressants tels que l'église du Sacré Cœur, le parc paysager, la plaine de jeux, le monument aux morts ou encore la Maison Marie Howet, une artiste peintre de grande renommée.
There are many hiking and mountain bike trails from Libramont leading to the surrounding countryside. This is an opportunity to pass interesting sites such as the Sacré-Coeur church, the landscaped park, the playgrounds, the war memorial or the Marie Howet House, a painter of great renown.
Three long-distance hiking trails cross this Walloon town:
GR57 “Sentiers de l’Ourthe”
GR151 “Tour of Belgian Luxembourg”
GR17 “La Lesse et Lomme par les GR”